Chapter 4: Modern Construction of Gender Roles


In this chapter, Garbacik explains the readers the modern construction of gender roles. This begins with the discussion of when a person actually develops an understanding for their gender and who influences it. She explains that from birth, parents and educators form these ideas ranging from the toys given during playtime to the clothes there are dressed in before they can make their own decisions. As this chapter goes on she gives a brief history on Title IX and women’s growing participation in the workforce. In today’s society, women are rising in the workforce, but are still hindered at getting to some top-level jobs and their salaries are still significantly lower than most. Another issue discusses is women’s portrayal in media and how wrong this portrayal is because men dominant the media world. She wraps of the chapter by stating that inequality is still present, but is improving but at a slow pace.


A question this chapter raised for me is if people are more aware of the salary difference between genders, why are not enough actions taking place? It seems that most people in today’s world would fight for this right more, or make it more known to the public, and yet it is not something discussed as openly. After reading this chapter, it amazes me for how long genders have been treated differently not only when born, but throughout education, sports, and even social events. The definition boxes on the side of the pages were very beneficial for me and more engaging than long paragraphs with just words. I remember things a lot better when there are visuals, and this made what Garbacik was saying more effective for me.

1 Comment

  1. I really liked your summary and response on this chapter! They were enjoyable to read and didn’t drag on but were very thoughtful and contained all the key points. I completely agree that the fact that our gender roles are still falling on such a binary is astounding, especially since they begin at birth and evolve through adulthood like you mentioned! Also I agree on your take with the visuals. The little text boxes helped me understand what was happening and broke up the text, especially since she can be a little long winded!


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