Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation


Garbacik opens up this chapter with idea of sexuality and what it all entails, and how most of these concepts of sexuality actually fall short of what is reality. Garbacik defines the term “homosexual” and that when it originated it was deemed a medical term leading to the idea that being “homosexual” was a disease or some medical condition. She also explains the two theories of the evolution of homosexuality, essentialists and constructionists, and how their theories have shaped people’s concepts of how becoming or being born a homosexual is developed. Along with this detailed explanation, she also explains the numerous other categories that exist for sexual orientation which include: bisexual and asexual. For each of these, Garbacik provides an understanding for it means to be each, and the misconceptions that arise with these terms.


What I really found interesting about this chapter is Garbacik’s way of explaining the numerous communities of sexual orientation. She compares and contrasts them, disputes misconceptions, and gives the reader the current issues many of these people face legally. I, myself, really found the definition of each one beneficial because it made me realize that there really is no true definition for any relationship in this world. Her comparisons on how nothing is ideal made me think of not only my current relationship, but other people’s relationships that don’t follow the ideal path and how they are just as happy. It’s sad to hear that there is still so much discrimination occurring in today’s world in the workforce, and Garbacik’s explanation that this discrimination is not just to one category and should be expanded to all is strong and effective.

1 Comment

  1. Great response, it kept me interested. I think your summary was thorough and well written. I can agree that Garbacik’s explanation of each of the sexual orientations was very helpful. It interesting to see how hard it is to define them because each person takes on relationships differently.


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